There once was a girl who rode her bike. She watched her Mom take off her shirt when she got warm.
This gave the girl confidence to take off her shirt when she got warm.
Though with hesitation at first, unsure of her body. She looked into her Mom’s eyes as doubt filled her head. Her Mom’s eyes didn’t tell her how to feel in anyway. Her Mom’s eyes said, “I am here next to you right where you are and I love you.”
No words, just eyes.
The girl took off her shirt and put it into her hydration pack.
The girl watched her Mom ride down the road, no hands, arms out wide, soaking up the surrounding beauty of the desert and sun.
The girl started with one hand and then the other.
It didn’t come quickly but the girl kept on.
Eventually this happened.
The girl’s arms out wide, absorbing the beauty of the desert and the sun.
So much can be experienced with just the eyes.