A baby cries, they deserve love.
A toddler spills milk, they deserve love.
A kindergarten knocks over their classmates blocks, they deserve love.
A grandparent falls asleep during a meal, they deserve love.
A parent comes home late from work, they deserve love.
A second grader forgets their lunchbox at school, they deserve love.
A coworker didn’t follow through on a task in a group project, they deserve love.
A gardener left the hose on, they deserve love.
A cop pulls you over for speeding, they deserve love.
A husband has an affair, they deserve love.
A wife loses herself caring for her family, they deserve love.
An uncle drinks himself to sleep and takes a vodka shot to get out of bed in the morning, they deserve love.
A friend reacts in rage to your child, they deserve love.
A lover forgets your birthday, they deserve love.
A stranger pushes you while walking the crowded street of Main St in Disneyland, they deserve love.
A first grader draws a picture with violence, they deserve love.
A lawyer doesn’t return your calls, they deserve love.
A lover asks for space, they deserve love.
A teenager doesn’t know how to manage their responsibilities, they deserve love.
A third grader doesn’t know how to go to school on the first day because her best friend is in the other class, they deserve love.
A husband, after 15 years together, continues to buy you outdoor gear for gifts after you ask numerous times for jewelry, they deserve love.
A father-in-law doesn’t stand up for himself and his needs because he has never known this, they deserve love.
A woman can’t pay her electric bill, they deserve love.
A 16 year old girl doesn’t want to eat anymore, they deserve love.
A mail person looses your package, they deserve love.
A mother smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, they deserve love.
A loved one struggling with alcoholism has a drink, they deserve love.
A married woman sleeps with your husband, they deserve love.
A 5th grader loses himself on his device for hours, weeks, month, perhaps years, they deserve love.
A roommate in college eats all the top ramen, they deserve love.
A coffee barista gets your drink order wrong, they deserve love.
A child doesn’t pick up after themselves, more than once, they deserve love.
A single mother, questions her ability to provide for her children in a system not built to support her, they deserve love.
A dying mother takes in her last breath, surrounded by her 5 children’s voices and tears, they deserve love.
A father dies without letting you know he was leaving you forever, they deserve love.
We have allowed ourselves, in culture and as a society, to tolerate conditions in love.
We justify. We defend. We protect. Illusions.
I invite you to pause and look at the areas and moments of your life, one at a time, you are missing out on the opportunity to offer love.
This has zero to do with others and everything to do with you.
Inability to offer unconditional love is a reflection of self.
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